2022 Co-Wirtz Awards Presented

  • April 25, 2022
  • 928

Susan Bivens (Special Education, Cortland) and Amanda Woltzen (Second Grade, Jefferson) are named the 2022 Co-Wirtz Award Educators for Excellence. Both teachers were celebrated in their buildings today, and will be honored at the School Board Meeting on May, 3. The Wirtz Award is presented annually in District 428 to honor excellence in teaching.

Amanda Woltzen (Second Grade, Jefferson)
Amanda Woltzen, Second Grade at Jefferson
Susan Bivens (Special Education, Cortland)
Susan Bivens, Special Education at Cortland

The Award was established to honor the memory of William Wilbur Wirtz, Alfa White Wirtz, and Jeann Sohner Wirtz for whom education in the DeKalb community was a lifelong interest and commitment.

DEF congratulates Susan and Amanda.

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