DEF Dedicates New Plaque to Honor Winners of the Wirtz Award
The DeKalb Education Foundation is proud to introduce a new plaque honoring all of the winners of the Wirtz Award for Excellence in Education. The plaque will be displayed at the DeKalb Education Center. Please stop by to have a look at the best of the best from District 428 going back to 1989.
The plaque reads, “The Wirtz Award was established to honor the memory of William Wilbur Wirtz, Alfa White Wirtz and Jeann Sohner Wirtz, for whom education in the DeKalb community was a lifelong interest and commitment.
“It is made available annually to recognize the distinguished service of an outstanding District 428 staff member who raises young people’s sights and/or who promotes a program or organization that lifts students’ sense of human values and purpose.”